About the Journal

The journal "Annals of the University of Parakou - Natural Sciences and Agronomy Series" is published by the University of Parakou (Benin). It was created in 2010 under the direction of the late Prof. Nestor SOKPON and appeared until 2017 under a single issue per year, in paper format.

Since 2018, the journal is published twice a year (in june and in december) and has gone from publication in paper format to both electronic and paper distribution in open access.

Each issue is made up of articles spontaneously submitted by their authors. In addition, special issues can be initiated by the editorial board on topical issues and made up of invited articles or of scientific meetings proceedings (conferences, symposia, workshops, etc.) at the initiative of the organizers of said events or of the editorial board.

Articles submitted for publication, including within the framework of scientific conferences, are examined by the editorial board (pre-evaluation) and by anonymous reviewers (double-blind evaluation) to assess:

  • The overall suitability for the journal.
  • The interest of the subject matter for the journal's readership.
  • The originality of the submitted manuscript.
  • The rigor of the reasoning and the clarity of the drafting.

The final decision to accept or reject the manuscript is made by the Editorial Board.


Current Issue

Vol. 13 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Couverture - Juin 2023
Published: 2023-06-30



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