Gender analysis of the participatory selection of local cowpea cultivars grown in central Benin




Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata, reasoned choice, kind and development, Department of Collines.


Lack of information on local cowpea varieties is one of the reasons for the no-adoption and introduction of new varieties in agroecological production zones of Benin. A participatory gender-based selection was conducted in the villages of Miniffi, Yagbo and Gbanlin in Center-Benin. For this purpose, the pairwise comparison and the matrix classification were used to prioritize the varieties produced and the criteria of preference according to the producers. Perceptions of the best strain, according to growers, depended not only on gender but also on study environment. Socio-professional groups from the villages of Miniffi and Yagbo attributed the best variety to the one with good yield potential, easy flow and better organoleptic quality. On the other hand, at the level of the village of Gbanlin, aptitude for storage, organoleptic quality and cultural association were decisive. More specifically, the producers considered a better variety based on its yield potential, outflow, taste and production cycle. In addition, the producers opted for the variety which presented a good yield, with less phytosanitary treatment and good organoleptic quality. Thus, the Kaki rouge varieties are selected for the villages of Miniffi and Gbanlin and the Adjaïkoun ​​variety for the village of Yagbo.


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How to Cite

HOUENOU, A., HINNOU, C. L., MALIKI, R., & TEDE, S. (2022). Gender analysis of the participatory selection of local cowpea cultivars grown in central Benin. Annals of the University of Parakou - Natural Sciences and Agronomy Series, 12(1), 43–60.