Perception of the effectiveness of information and communication tools in land restoration practices dissemination in Northern Benin
Adoption, ICT, Sustainability, Soil, Degradation, BanikoaraAbstract
This research aims to analyze the perception of the effectiveness of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the diffusion of Sustainable Land Management Technologies (SLMT) in the context of high land degradation in Benin. It was carried out in Banikoara located in the North of the country, an area benefiting from the interventions of the Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food Security Project. Data were collected among a sample of 150 persons selected at random from the list of producers involved in the project and applying these technologies. Interviews guides, and questionnaires digitalized and deployed in kobo collect software were used to collect data. Parameters of descriptive statistic and principal components analysis were used to analyze the respondents’ characteristics, the level of ICT use, and their effectiveness in the diffusion of technologies. The results show that radio, training, SOL-Mobil video projection, and agricultural fairs are the main tools used to disseminate technologies. Almost 63.33% of producers obtain information on the technologies through training, radio, and SOL-Mobil while 20% obtain it through both training and SOL-Mobil; 5.33% of farmers are informed through only training. ICT have a positive effect on technologies’ diffusion. Integrated Soil Fertility Management (68%) and Conservation Agriculture (83.33%) are the two main categories of practices adopted by farmers. To improve the efficacy of ICT, it is important to resolve the constraints of low producers’ mobilization, lack of electrical energy, difficulties in accessing inputs and agricultural advice, and protection of crop residues from uncontrolled bush fires.
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Copyright (c) 2022 S. Claude-Gervais ASSOGBA, D. Sandrine ZANCRAN, Rodrigue V. Cao DIOGO
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