Determinants of the adoption of organic vegetable farming systems in southern Benin
adoption, organic farming system, determinants, vegetable, BeninAbstract
The behavior changes in terms of food consumption which is accompanied by a significant increase in the consumption of vegetables and especially organic vegetables requires an increase in the production of such organic vegetables.. The present study analyzes the main factors influencing the adoption of organic vegetable production systems in southern Benin. It identifies the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that favor the diffusion of pro-environmental (organic and ecological) vegetable production systems. Quantitative data were collected from 300 producers (including 88 organic vegetables producers certified by the Participatory Guarantee System, 105 ecological vegetables producers and 107 conventional vegetables producers) randomly selected in the municipalities of Sèmè-Kpodji, Ouidah and Abomey-Calavi. These data were analyzed by performing a multinomial Logit regression model. The results reveal that, training on technical itineraries for organic vegetable production (β = 22.94)*** and access to organic inputs ( β = 28.72)*** positively influence the adoption of organic farming system. In contrast, the land tenure mode (β = -21.45)*** influences negatively the adoption of organic farming system. Therefore, establishment of appropriate land policies may strengthen producers’ confidence in investing safely and sustainably in organic vegetable production. In addition, agricultural policies that guarantee availability and accessibility of organic inputs to producers are prerequisites for the adoption of sustainable vegetable production practices. The study suggests that the key policies to strengthen the spread of organic agriculture are those that help farmers access knowledge and secure the recommended inputs for this form of agriculture. The study shows the need to consider both extrinsic factors (socio-economic characteristics and attributes of the external environment) and intrinsic factors (knowledge of the technical itineraries and the requirements of the innovation) when analyzing the decision-making process towards the adoption of pro-environmental production systems.
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