Connaissances ethnoécologiques des variétés locales de Mangifera indica L. dans l’Atacora au Bénin : usages, diversité et perceptions du changement climatique


  • Dowo Michée ADJACOU Laboratoire d’Ecologie, de Botanique et de Biologie Végétale (LEB), 03 BP : 125, Parakou, Bénin
  • Thierry Dehouegnon HOUEHANOU Faculté d’Agronomie de l’Université de Parakou, Laboratoire d’Ecologie, de Botanique et de Biologie Végétale (LEB), 03 BP : 125, Parakou, Bénin
  • Gérard Nounagnon GOUWAKINNOU Faculté d’Agronomie de l’Université de Parakou, Laboratoire d’Ecologie, de Botanique et de Biologie Végétale (LEB), 03 BP : 125, Parakou, Bénin
  • Armand Kuyema NATTA Faculté d’Agronomie de l’Université de Parakou, Laboratoire d’Ecologie, de Botanique et de Biologie Végétale (LEB), 03 BP : 125, Parakou, Bénin



Ethnoecology, Mangifera indica, local landraces, sustainable management, climate change


Local Mangifera indica landraces are ancient fruit trees, grown in Benin and contributing to food security. Despite the various potentialities and assets of these landraces, they are little known to research compared to improved varieties. In order to enhance the value, conservation and sustainable management of this important plant genetic resource in Benin, an ethnoecological study was conducted to document local knowledge related to the uses of local landraces, their distinctive characteristics and perceptions on the effect of climate change. Thus, an ethnoecological survey based on a participatory approach was conducted in 15 villages selected in three communes of Atacora: Natitingou, Tanguiéta, and Toucountouna. A total of 115 people were surveyed using a semi-structured questionnaire. The data were processed with ethnobotanical indices and analyzed with Fisher's exact test, the Chi-2 test of independence, and multivariate analyses.  The study revealed that the population recognizes two local landraces and that the reasons for choosing these landraces are the ease of acquisition of the fruit and the contribution of the species to income. The shape of the fruit was the main criterion for differentiating the two landraces. Food and traditional medicine were the two most important use categories, followed by fuelwood and shade service. The population perceived climate change mainly through scarcity of rainfall, pockets of drought, early cessation of rains and delay of rains while fruit loss and fruit rots are perceived as the main effects of climate change on the species. The ethnoecological knowledge assessed can serve as a basis for morphological characterisation and as tools for sustainable management and conservation of local Mangifera indica landraces in Benin.


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Individu de Mangifera indica local en fructification



How to Cite

ADJACOU, D. M., HOUEHANOU, T. D., GOUWAKINNOU, G. N., & NATTA, A. K. (2022). Connaissances ethnoécologiques des variétés locales de Mangifera indica L. dans l’Atacora au Bénin : usages, diversité et perceptions du changement climatique. Annals of the University of Parakou - Natural Sciences and Agronomy Series, 12(1), 15–28.