About the Journal

The journal "Annals of the University of Parakou - Natural Sciences and Agronomy Series", abbreviated AUP-SNA, is published by the University of Parakou (Benin). It was created in 2010 under the direction of the late Prof. Nestor SOKPON and appeared until 2017 under a single issue per year, in paper format. Since 2018, it has been published twice a year (in June and December) and has gone from publication in paper format to both electronic and paper distribution.

It is a peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal intended for a diverse audience made up among others of development professionals, researchers, lecturers, students and producers. The articles, written in French or in English, must be original, constitute an important scientific or technical contribution for this public and interest an international readership.

The journal publishes research work (experiments, surveys, modeling, simulations, meta-analyzes and syntheses) in all fields of natural, biological, agronomic, environmental and related sciences. The journal is particularly interested in the rationalization of agricultural production, the improvement of agricultural production systems, as well as the enhancement and sustainable use of agricultural production and natural resources.